
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea Urine Collection

Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea Urine Collection

About Your Test

Your health professional has requested this test to check for infection. You will be provided with a punnet to collect your sample in, a specimen container, and a specimen delivery bag.

The best specimen is the first urine passed after getting up in the morning. Do not collect the specimen if you have urinated within the past hour.

Please collect your urine sample before starting any antibiotic medication.

Specimen Collection Procedure

  1. Write your name and date of birth in the spaces provided on the specimen container.
  2. Collect the first urine you pass in the morning into the collection punnet.
  3. Pour the urine from the collection punnet into the specimen container and screw the lid on firmly.
  4. Label the specimen container with the date and time of the collection.
  5. Place the specimen container in the bag provided with the request form in the front pocket.
  6. Deliver your urine sample to your health professional or the laboratory as soon as possible after collection.
    • Keep your sample in a cool place until you can deliver it. Do not place your sample in a refrigerator.
  7. If you are required to collect more than one sample, do so on different days.

For further information regarding this test procedure, please contact Wellington SCL on (04) 381 5900 or 0800 381 5900.